Threads of Remembrance: Using the Quilt

In order for the Quilt to be a successful educational tool, the NAMES Project Foundation has had to work with people across the country. In order to best serve the goals of the organization, chapters were formed around the nation, which have helped to show the Quilt, work with local AIDS organizations, and hold panelmaking workshops to allow people the ability to honor their loved ones and find comfort within their communities. In order to spread news about the Quilt, the National NAMES Project Foundation published a newsletter highlighting important events and projects focusing on the Quilt, AIDS education, and necessary legal reform. Another newsletter they published focused on sharing stories of individuals represented in the Quilt, such as Duane Puryear.

The NAMES Project Foundation has also published lists of the names represented in the Quilt, as an additional reminder of the number of people who have died of AIDS. In more recent years, the Foundation created an online database, which allows viewers to search the Quilt for specific names. This technology has changed the way that Quilt displays are formatted now. Because of how delicate and damaged much of the Quilt is, from previous displays and handling, most displays now utilize computer kiosks which allow people to search the database and explore the full Quilt, without further damaging the physical artifact.

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