Destination Special Collections: Texana
Gulf Coast Map
This map is the first to focus on the region, and is the first time the coastline from the Sabine River to the Yucatan peninsula appeared on one map. Arent Roggeveen, a Dutch surveyor, designed this map based off information from the Dutch West India Company. Roggeveen originally published the map in 1675, but after his death, his publisher purchased the plates, added his name to the title, and reissued the map in 1680, which is when this particular map was printed.
This map of the Gulf Coast is displayed according to the orientation of the title, but to read it properly it should be turned counterclockwise ninety degrees. Here you can see a comparison of the map coastline and the actual coastline in its proper orientation.
Find De Cust van Westindien on the UNT Library Catalog.
Texana Photography
Each of these photographs provide a unique glimpse into a specific time and place in Texas history. This collection offers the viewer visual access to the norms of social and domestic life, architecture, transportation, and commerce through the early years of Texas settlement.