Women in the Archives

A pink banner, a light pink in the center and framed by a darker pink. In the middle is a white block, with the figure of 5 women over a pink circle, inside of which is the exhibit title, Women in the Archives.

Looking at history through a female perspective broadens our understanding of culture and societal norms. Individual stories can elaborate on these ideas and allow for a greater understanding of how women have challenged those norms in order to live out their dreams and change the world for the better. UNT Special Collections holds materials that focus on the lives and work of women during the last century, and this exhibit explores the accomplishments of these women. Each was prominent in their chosen field, and offered new ideas and talent to the world.

This exhibit explores the life and work of a selection of women whose materials are housed in UNT Special Collections. Taking a closer look at their lives and accomplishments over the last 100 years helps to tell the greater story of women in Texas and the United States.

View a Virtual Reality Tour of this exhibit, as it was displayed in the Sarah T. Hughes Reading Room.

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